delphij's Chaos


27 Jan 2004

A new design for FreeBSDChina's new forum system

As Che Dong suggested, we will have a new forum that provides a blog style view, which will hopefully attract more visitors. I believed that this is a Good Idea(TM), even while it has some slight difference (seriously, conflicits) with my original design, but I’d adopt this idea, because it’s simply better :)

A blog, as Che Dong stated, is somewhere,

“那麼 1997 年起出現的這個新字眼,又代表著甚麼意思呢?所謂的 Weblog 指的是一種以 web 作為呈現媒介的(個人) log 。如果要從各位身邊尋找比較接近的例子的話,或許相當於 BBS上的個人板,或明日報個人新聞台吧。也有人把它稱做網頁型態的日記,不過沒有人規定 weblog 每天一篇,所以或許稱做網頁型態的札記會更恰當。”

He continues, saying that the benefits of blog is:
“论坛像流水帐…… 但是BLOG可以让整个论坛的结构(按人)扁平化。这样更适合内容的长期归档和整理:BLOG和BBS的另外一个区别就是可供互聯:引用(trackback/ping)、串聯(rss)等功能。你在本地发表对一篇引用文章评论,立刻能对被引用的文档进行反馈”

He suggests: “看看这个:把BBS变成个人的BLOG VIEW