delphij's Chaos


01 Mar 2004

XFree86 4.4.0-RELEASE released

Under a more restrictive licence, the XFree86 project has finally released the long-awaited XFree86 4.4.0-RELEASE. Well, this is really a big news, however, the licence (Yes you guys may say that it is very similiar to the BSD Licence with four clause, however it is not, and more importantly, this is more like the ancient four clause one, which was replaced by a new three-caluse one, and most BSDers will prefer a two clause one like the following:

(obtained from FreeBSD’s src/share/examples/etc/bsd-style-copyright)

\[year\]\[your name\]\[id for your version control system, if any\]


Personally I am not really care about the XFree86’s licence change. It just added an “You have to credit me” claim, yes, compared to modern BSD Licence, it’s more restrictive, however, it’s more acceptable than the GPL’s restriction. I really really dislike GPL, despite the due respect to Richard M. Stallman :-(